Events & Initiatives

2025 Event Calendar
Mahi for Ukraine 2025 Event Calendar:
Mahi for Ukraine will continue to raise awareness and stand in solidarity with Ukraine throughout 2025. This is our calendar of major events for the year.
This list also includes key Ukrainian celebrations, commemorative dates, and some significant events we have planned. While it highlights some noteworthy dates, the list is not exhaustive.
We will also announce additional events and activities on an ad-hoc basis when appropriate as these get scheduled.
The weekly rallies, a cornerstone of our community gatherings since the beginning of russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, will continue to be held every week on Sundays, as they have for the past three years.
Please follow our Facebook page for updates on additional events, commemorations, and announcements.
Note: These events are specifically organised by Mahi for Ukraine in conjunction with the Ukrainian Community of Auckland. Other Ukrainian communities across New Zealand will also hold their own events throughout the year. While we share some of these on our social media, we encourage you to follow additional community pages to stay informed. #StandWithUkraine

Stand with Ukraine - Weekly Rally (Auckland)
Same place, same time, same message until Ukraine’s Victory!
We kindly ask participants in the rally to be mindful of the event’s purpose. These rallies are organised to express peaceful support for Ukraine under one simple message – “New Zealand Stands with Ukraine Against russian Agression.”
To ensure a consistent message, we request that attendees refrain from displaying symbols of russia or any other country, except for those representing Ukraine and New Zealand. Thank you for your cooperation in maintaining the focus on our shared message.

Full-Scale Invasion Commemoration 2025: #StandWithUkraine
Every year, we have commemorated this date by coming together to share stories, stand in solidarity with Ukraine, and shine a light on russia’s ongoing acts of aggression. This year is no different.

- A moment of silence to pay tribute to the victims of this ongoing war.
- Photo exhibition titled- “Ukraine: War in Europe”.
- Speeches from local leaders, volunteers, members of the Ukrainian community, and representatives of the NZ Government.
- Ukrainian national anthem as well as folk songs performed by the members of local community.
- Opportunity to stand shoulder to shoulder with the Ukrainian community, meet likeminded individuals, reflect on the years of war, and find out how you can help + support reputable charitie

- Deploy international peacekeeping forces for security.
- Supply modern air defense, military equipment, and ammunition.
- Provide lethal and non-lethal aid for defense.
- Seize frozen russian assets.
- Impose new sanctions on key individuals and sectors.
- Condemn russia’s violations of POW rights.
- Repatriate illegally deported Ukrainian children.
- Recognise russia’s actions as genocide.
- Designate russia a state sponsor of terrorism; investigate war crimes.
- Expel russia from international organisations.

Holodomor Remembrance Day: Shine a Light Campaign

In 1932-1933, the totalitarian communist regime committed genocide against the Ukrainian people. On Stalin’s orders, the Holodomor—death by starvation—killed millions in the Ukrainian SSR and Kuban, where most residents were Ukrainian. In the early 2000s, Ukraine legally recognised the Holodomor as genocide, and over 30 countries have since followed. New Zealand has yet to do so.
The Holodomor was a deliberate attempt to erase Ukraine. Millions perished, but Ukraine’s spirit endured. This was not an isolated atrocity—it is part of centuries of russian imperial oppression. Today, Putin’s regime continues this genocidal campaign, using mass murder, terror, and forced deportations to erase Ukrainian identity. Russia’s war on Ukraine did not start in 2022 or 2014—it is an unbroken pattern of aggression. Like Stalin, Putin resorts to genocide when other methods of subjugation fail. Stalin used food confiscation, blockades, and terror; Putin employs military invasion, bombings, and deportations, including the abduction of Ukrainian children. Then and now, russia counts on global indifference and fear.
As part of a global movement, we Shine a Light on russia’s genocide—past and present. In New Zealand, we honoured Holodomor victims with survivor stories, candlelight, and silence. We are deeply grateful to those standing with us, supporting Ukraine, and helping expose russia’s crimes—then and now.
Photos & Reflections from the day here.

1000 Days Rally

Ukraine Independence Day: Auckland Rally & Raise a Flag Campaign
Where: Aotea Square, Auckland | When: Saturday 24 August, from 2 pm.
Friends and supporters of Ukraine are encouraged to attend.
In honor of Ukraine’s 33rd anniversary of independence, the Ukrainian World Congress, in partnership with Saint Javelin, has launched a global fundraising campaign to supply Ukrainian defenders with FPV drones. Donate today and make a tangible difference on the battlefield!

Join our Online Capmaign.
Stand with Ukraine: A Simple Act of Solidarity!
On August 24, Ukraine celebrates its Independence Day – a day that now carries an even deeper meaning as Ukrainians bravely fight for their right to exist.
The war in Ukraine continues, and while many Ukrainians are weary, their determination remains steadfast. Their spirit is unbroken, and they need to know they’re not standing alone.
This August 24, let’s show Ukraine that the world still stands firmly with them. Hang a Ukrainian flag from your window as a symbol of solidarity. Take a photo or video and share it on social media, tagging us Mahi For Ukraine (on Facebook or LinkedIn) and #standwithukraine or send your photos directly to us via DM on Facebook. Remember to include your city and country!
We will compile and share all these posts with Ukrainian media, sending a powerful message: The world has not forgotten Ukraine. We stand together, no matter what!
It’s a small act, but in these times, it means so much!
Photos & Reflections from the day here.
#StandWithUkraine #MahiForUkraine #UkraineIndependence2024 #newzealandstandswithukraine #aucklandstandswithukraine

Stand with Ukraine" Global Rally - 10 Years of War
While we stand with Ukraine, we must also acknowledge the urgent need for action. The international community cannot afford to become silent or indifferent in the face of such blatant aggression and violation of international law, as this war persists. We must stand united in condemning these acts of aggression and demanding accountability for those responsible.
Do not ask Ukraine when the war will end. Ask yourselves why Putin is still able to continue it.
As we stand in solidarity with Ukraine, let us reaffirm our commitment to justice and human dignity. Let us honor the memory of those who have lost their lives. And let us pledge to work tirelessly towards a future where every nation, regardless of size or power, can live in peace and prosperity, and the bully does not dare to use brutal force like what Russia is doing today.
Exhibition Info & Materials | Exhibit video post | Event Details

Aroha for Ukraine Book Launch Event
Можливо, дехто з вас пам’ятає наш проект Ароха для України.
Ми раді нарешті оголосити презентацію нашої фізичної книги в Окленді 12 Серпня, та запросити всіх, хто зробив внесок у проект і надіслав нам свою АРОХА (любов), а також нашу українську громаду в Новій Зеландії та ново-прибульців з України.
Будь ласка, зверніть увагу, що реєстрація є обовʼязковою через обмежену кількість місць.
Ми плануємо роздати книги новоприбулим, промови і привітання від почесних гостей, страви, музичні українські виступи, а також ігри та дитячі заходи… Тож приєднуйтесь всією родиною.
Ласкаво просимо принести страву до спільного чаювання за бажанням.

Community Webinar - Ukraine Health Initiative
Te Whatu Ora – Health New Zealand and the Ministry of Health, alongside Mahi for Ukraine, invite you to attend a community webinar on the free health check available for all Special Ukraine Visa holders in New Zealand.
A short video presentation by Dr. Olga Dubnytska (a Ukrainian GP in Palmerston North) on the free health check will be delivered in Ukrainian, and followed by a Q&A session with Dr. Olga.

Intended participants: All Special Ukraine Visa holders and their sponsors.
Date: Thursday 1 June, 2023
Time: 7.00 pm to 8:00 pm (NZ time)
Where: Online Zoom meeting

Auckland Vyshyvanka Day 2023/2024

Light Will Win Over Darkness - '365 Days'
Auckland vigil
We call on Ukrainians and friends of Ukraine in Auckland to jointly support Ukraine and our #LightWillWinOverDarkness candlelight vigil dedicated to the 365 days of full-scale Russian invasion and nine years of Russian war against Ukraine.

WHERE: Wynyard Steps at Karanga Plaza (by Wynyard Crossing)
WHEN: Friday 24 Feb, 2023, from 6 pm
WHAT: The event format will be a vigil. Please wear black clothing and bring a candle as well as Ukrainian flags.

Advocacy Survey (archived)

Xmas Gift Donations for Refugees 2022 (archived)
With the silly season fast approaching, Mahi for Ukraine is organising a Xmas Picnic for the Ukrainian newcomers in Auckland with gift-giving, food, and some good old Kiwi Xmas summer vibes.
As most of our friends & supporters know, these newcomers (even though are called “refugees”) are not technically considered refugees and as such do not receiv government support. This will be their first Christmas away from home, and we imagine that gift-giving is the last thing on their and their families’ minds. So we wanted to show them some Aroha, and bring at least some normality back into their lives.
If you or your organisation would like to support this event and donate some gifts towards it, please contact us before Friday 16 December to coordinate this. Thank you for your generosity this holiday season!
And if you are a Ukrainian who would like to attend this event, please DM us on Facebook for event details (time and location).

Ambassador of Ukraine meeting with
Auckland Business Community (archived)

His Excellency Vasyl Myroshnychenko meeting with Auckland Business Community.
Presented by Mahi for Ukraine and hosted by Simpson Grierson.
His Excellency Mr. Vasyl Myroshnychenko, recently appointed Ambassador to Australia and New Zealand, makes one of his first public appearances in this country to meet with Auckland’s business community on Wednesday 17th August, after presenting his credentials to Her Excellency The Rt Hon Dame Cindy Kiro.
The Ambassador will provide the Ukraine Government’s latest appraisal of the war and the international community’s response, along with the views on what the New Zealand Government and the broader public can do to help. He will also discuss Ukraine’s bilateral relations with Australia and New Zealand, including military cooperation, trade, investment, culture, education, and the role of New Zealand’s business in it, over tea/coffee light refreshments and networking.
Who should attend: the leaders and senior representatives of NZ businesses & chambers of commerce.